Tuesday, December 27, 2011


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Usually ships in 3-4 business days


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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Ramsond Portable Elite 6500 Watt 6.5 KW Silent Diesel Generator **FREE SHIPPING**

!±8± Ramsond Portable Elite 6500 Watt 6.5 KW Silent Diesel Generator **FREE SHIPPING**

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Importance of Car Information

!±8± The Importance of Car Information

You recall your first car? Was it a hunk of junk or a nice one? You may have resorted to the local newspaper for your car information in order to find that inexpensive, little jalopy. Or perhaps you were lucky enough to receive one is the gift or be able to afford one yourself. No matter where you searched, one thing was for sure; you wanted a good deal. In the past, this could often prove a difficult task. If it was bought from a dealer, he could make up any outrageous price that he wanted to, and if you went to an individual that had a car for sale you could end up with a junker and not know it until a month later and then you would be totally out of luck. This is really that big of a deal now a days. A deluge of car information is at your fingertips online.

I still remember my first car like it was yesterday. It was a 1978 Fiat Spider convertible. I got it from a college kid for 00. It was a pretty decent first car. I mean I wasn't expecting a Porsche for 00. It was one of those cars that you couldn't just let sit around not using it. You had to start everyday so it would turn over when you took it out for a spin. I recall one instance where I had not started it for three consecutive days. Big mistake, but fortunately I could always pop the clutch. While this wasn't the greatest car in the the universe, I definitely knew one thing, the seller provided all necessary car information upon my test drive so there wasn't any confusion. He has all the paperwork in order including service and maintenance records. It would be nice if everyone was as prepared.

If you're heading out to a dealership to find that new family van, or sports car, it's always a good idea to do your homework online first. The Internet is a vast reservoir of knowledge and information. It truly is a priceless resource. The car information online will save you plenty of like work. You know that you want a safe vehicle, and you know you want to avoid getting ripped off. Well, with the car information found on the World Wide Web, your worries should be subsided. The dealers no longer have the upper hand, that now belongs to us, the consumer. But the advantage is only hours if we choose to use it.

When you step into that dealership, you know what the vehicle sells for. The Internet will prevent you from being ripped off by exorbitant pricing. With your PC you can check out the numerous car sites in your area to see who's offering what. There are even online sales that can be found on auctions such as Ebay and other state and federal auction sites run by government agencies. The buyer is now the one in charge when purchasing that new car. With car information so accessible, finding that ride of your dreams is a synch.

The Importance of Car Information

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Ultralight Backpacking Water Treatment

!±8± Ultralight Backpacking Water Treatment

Water is one of the most important items in your pack, and one of the heaviest. You need it to sustain energy. You need it to avoid body aches, headaches, and becoming so uncomfortable that you don't enjoy your hiking experience.

If you can avoid carrying too much water, you'll enjoy a far lighter pack. Your ability to find safe water and know how and when to treat it is a valuable skill. Pathogens can sometimes be found in water that seems safe. Much of the water we find outdoors is safe, especially at high elevations and when you're near the original source. Always consider what is upstream, and err on the side of caution if you don't know what is above you. Does the water look clear? Don't worry too much about small animal life in the water. Worry more if there isn't any life in the water, and ask why.

Some experts talk about running water being safer than still water, but studies have found lake water to be among the cleanest because the ultraviolet rays of the sun kill bacteria near the surface. When taking water from a lake or pond, take water under the surface, but near the surface. Check the rate of water that is flowing into and out of the lake. Are there any stock animals or other animals that could make the water impure?

Much of the response to the threat of Giardia is overkill. A favorite scholarly article on Giardia was written by Robert L. Rockwell, PhD. It's titled, Giardia Lamblia and Giardiasis, With Particular Attention to the Sierra Nevada. Bob Rockwell is an active mountaineer who made his first trip into the Sierra Nevada in 1952 to climb Mt. Whitney, and he repeats this climb several times annually. He has a bachelor's degree in Physics from UC-Berkeley, and a PhD in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering (Biomechanics) from Stanford.

The article is so good and informative, that its first seven paragraphs are quoted below:

Ask the average outdoors person about Giardia lamblia or giardiasis, and they have certainly heard about it. Almost always, however, they are considerably misinformed about both the organism's prevalence in wilderness water, and the seriousness of the disease if contracted.

With the advent of the Internet, the amount of information one can easily find on the subject is voluminous. Unfortunately, most of it is flawed in important aspects, being unsubstantiated, anecdotal, or merely quoting other unsubstantiated and anecdotal articles. Official sources, such as many informational publications put out by the US government, are not immune to this criticism.

This paper is the result of a critical distillation of relevant articles, retaining only those from scholarly, peer-reviewed, or otherwise professional and trustworthy sources.

One conclusion of this paper is that you can indeed contract giardiasis on visits to the Sierra Nevada, but it won't be from the water. So drink freely and confidently: Proper personal hygiene is far more important in avoiding giardiasis than treating the water.

First, an excerpt written by a highly regarded wilderness physician:

"In recent years, frantic alarms about the perils of giardiasis have aroused exaggerated concern about this infestation. Government agencies, particularly the United States Park Service and the National Forest Service, have filtered hundreds of gallons of water from wilderness streams, found one or two organisms (far less than enough to be infective), and erected garish signs proclaiming the water 'hazardous."

And another, by researchers who surveyed the health departments in all 50 states and scanned the medical literature looking for evidence that giardiasis is a significant threat to outdoor folk:

Neither health department surveillance nor the medical literature supports the widely held perception that giardiasis is a significant risk to backpackers in the United States. In some respects, this situation resembles (the threat to beachgoers of a) shark attack: an extraordinarily rare event to which the public and press have seemingly devoted inappropriate attention.

The entire article can be found at the web address listed at the beginning of the quote.

Water-borne pathogens are disease-causing bacteria, viruses, and protozoa you can get from impure water. Protozoa are hard-shelled, single-cell parasites, or cysts, that range from 2 to 15 microns in size. The giardia lamblia cyst is one of the most common water-borne parasites in the United States. Cryptosporidium is also a protozoa, and cryptosporidiosis exhibits symptoms similar to giardiasis, including diarrhea, fatigue, fever, weight loss, nausea, and vomiting. Bacteria are smaller than protozoa, and range in size from .2 to 10 microns. They include E. coli and salmonella. Viruses are even smaller at .004 to .1 microns, and carry diseases like hepatitis.

When hiking at lower elevations, you need to be cautious of manmade contamination from agriculture and industry, including herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers.

No matter what water treatment system you use, be sure your hands are clean, especially after bathroom breaks. This is one of the most important points of this article. Impure hands can often transfer microorganisms to food or water, and the water gets blamed for the result.

Six main methods of purifying your water are available, and there are lightweight options for each.

1. Boiling

Boiling is the oldest and most basic way to purify water. A rolling boil will destroy any pathogens. You can kill microorganisms at sustained heat that is less than a boil, but it's difficult to measure in the field. Make sure the water is actually boiling. A rolling boil is big bubbles that shake the pan, not a few tiny bubbles on the bottom of the pan. To be safe, bring the water to a rolling boil for 3 to 5 minutes. As a general rule, add one minute of boiling time for each 1,000 feet of elevation above sea level. If you're using the water for cooking, there's no extra time, fuel weight, or cost involved. But boiling water for drinking is slow and tedious, and adds to the weight of the fuel in your pack. The real weight of boiling water is the weight of the extra fuel you need to carry.

2. Iodine

This has been the simplest, most compact, and most cost-effective system for many years. It kills bacteria and many viruses, but not cryptosporidium. Fortunately, cryptosporidium is still quite rare in North American natural water sources. Two tablets are used for each liter or quart of water (32 ounces). A quart is 95% of a liter. If you believe the water to be heavily contaminated, double the dose or contact time. In general, if you are in a hurry, double the chemical dose and halve the contact time. If you want better flavor, halve the dose and double the contact time. For cold water, the tablets take longer to work, so wait for the full recommended time. After adding the tablets to your water, you need to wait up to 30 minutes before you drink. If you rush the waiting time and drink the water, the iodine won't work to deactivate the pathogens in your stomach.

The most common brand of iodine tablets in the United States is "Potable Aqua." The bottle has 50 tablets that can treat up to 25 quarts of water. The suggested cost is .95. The packaging says "No unpleasant taste," but most people would strongly disagree, although the taste may bring back pleasant memories of camping as a youth. Even the Potable Aqua brand sells a version of the tablets that come with a second tablet to neutralize the taste. The suggested cost of the combination of iodine tablets and neutralizer is .95. This second "PA Plus" tablet that neutralizes the taste, iodine odor, and brown color of the water is simply vitamin C. You need to wait until the iodine has done its work before adding the ascorbic acid tablet. You can crush your own vitamin C and add it to the treated water. Remember to add only enough to make the water clear. Your body can handle extra vitamin C, but too much can lead to diarrhea. After the iodine has done its work, you can also add powdered drinks instead of vitamin C to mask the iodine flavor.

Experts argue over how much iodine is too much for the body. Iodine is essential to thyroid function. It is often added to salt because water and foods are sometimes deficient in iodine. With that said, the Potable Aqua packaging information says, "Not to be used on a continuous basis. For short term or limited emergency use only." Some literature suggests using iodine tablets for six weeks or less. Although iodine is rapidly metabolized and cleared from the body, you should not use iodine tablets if you have an allergy to iodine, an active thyroid disease, or are pregnant.

Iodine tablets come in a brown bottle to help protect them from large temperature changes. Keeping the tablets dry helps them remain more stable. The tablets will last for up to four years unopened, and seem to work more quickly if they are fresh. They degrade with air, water, or light exposure, but since they are inexpensive, they can easily be replaced every year. The manufacturer of the tablets suggests against switching to a smaller bottle. So, with that warning, if you make the switch, be sure to use a tight, brown bottle that keeps the tablets dry. Even the original cotton in the bottle is meant to absorb any moisture that may be present. If you re-package the tablets to a smaller bottle, try to keep a little of the cotton.

When you treat water in a container with a lid, be sure to let some of the treated water clean the threads of the cap.

Of course, you won't remove particulate by boiling water, using iodine or chlorine dioxide-based tablets, or ultraviolet light systems. So, if the water looks murky, you may want to start with a pre-filter that's as simple as a coffee filter or cloth.

The weight of a bottle of iodine tablets is 1.1 ounces. If you purchase the PA Plus that neutralizes the taste and odor, you'll double the weight. If you re-package the tablets into a one-dram (1/8 oz.) brown bottle, the weight of the bottle is just .2 ounces and will hold 40 tablets, for a total weight of only .3 ounces. If you want to add your own vitamin C and keep the weight down, remember that powders in small ziplock bags can get in the re-sealable closures of the bags and make them difficult to use. You may want to use the smallest, lightest plastic container you can find.

Another iodine treatment is iodine crystals. This product is marketed in the United States under the brand name "Polar Pure." About 30 small crystals of crystalline iodine come in a 3.2 ounce brown glass bottle. When the bottle is full of water the weight is 4.9 ounces. The suggested retail price is .95. You add water to the original small bottle for one hour before putting it in the water that needs to be treated. Of course, this pre-treating can be done as you hike. When you pour from the bottle, the crystals of iodine remain in the bottle. You can treat from 2 to 6 quarts of water at a time. After adding the solution to the water to be treated, wait 20 minutes before drinking.

Water to be treated that is colder than 68 degrees F will take longer. A warmer solution of the original mixture from the bottle will have a higher concentration of iodine. So, fewer capfuls will be required, and more water can be treated before refilling the Polar Pure bottle. You can warm the bottle in your pocket or in sunlight. Dosage instructions, as well as thermal reactive paint on the bottle, tell you how much liquid to pour from the bottle into the water that is to be disinfected.

Pure iodine crystals are stable and slightly soluble in water but evaporate easily. The Polar Pure bottle should be kept filled with water and tightly capped. Water that has been treated should be tightly sealed, too. After the necessary disinfection time, powdered drinks or vitamin C can be added to make the taste more pleasant. Polar Pure has an indefinite shelf life. One bottle treats up to 2,000 quarts of water, so it's very cost-effective. Some long-distance hikers have used the same bottle for their entire trip.

3. Chlorine dioxide

Another chemical treatment for water is chlorine dioxide. The most common brand is "Aqua Mira." The lightest version is a package with two one-ounce bottles that have a total weight of 3.1 ounces, including a mixing cap. The suggested retail price is .95. This kit will treat up to 30 gallons (120 quarts) of water. The advantages of Aqua Mira are its light weight, low cost, compactness, and good taste, as well as its ability to kill pathogens including cryptosporidium. Chlorine dioxide is used worldwide to treat municipal water supplies, and is known to be an eradicator of bacteria (E-coli, salmonella, legionella), viruses (rolio, rotovirus, hepatitis), and protozoa (giardia and cryptosporidium). The oxidation kills pathogens by breaking down their cell walls. There is no chlorine in Aqua Mira. Even though chlorine dioxide has the word chlorine in its name, the two chemicals have completely different chemical structures. Part A of the kit contains 2% stabilized chlorine dioxide in an aqueous solution, and Part B contains phosphoric acid activator.

To treat a quart of water, you place 7 drops of Part A and 7 drops of Part B in the mixing cap. If the water is cloudy or tinted, use 15 drops of each. You let the mixture react for 5 minutes, and then add it to the quart of water. Shake to mix. Let stand for 15 minutes. If the water is very cold, cloudy, or tinted, let stand for 30 minutes. Some people report a chlorine-like odor. The promotional literature, and some testers, report that the treatment improves the taste of the water. Chlorine dioxide does not discolor water. The kit has a four-year shelf life even after it is opened. Chlorine dioxide is available in tablet form in the Aqua Mira brand as well as some other brands, but takes much longer to use.

4. Filtration

Filters can give you treated water quickly, without any chemical taste. They work by trapping pathogens in a microporous screen. Some viruses are too small to trap. Only filters with an iodine matrix are capable of killing all viruses. All filters eventually need cleaning, sometimes in the field. Filter lifetime is determined by the quantity and size of particles in the water. Filters may also clog from the growth of organisms in the filter medium. Some filters can be back flushed. Some can be chemically cleaned. Some need a replacement filter. Ceramic filters can be cleaned and can last a long time, but care must be taken so they don't break, especially when it's cold. To qualify as a water purifier, a device has to meet the Environmental Protection Agency standard of removing 99.99 % of all identifiable bacteria, protozoa, and viruses. Finer filters generally mean slower and more difficult pumping.

Filters can be as small and simple as the "McNett/Aqua Mira Emergency Frontier" filter that uses activated carbon to filter up to 20 gallons of water. It is used like a straw, weighs less than an ounce, and retails for around . Lightweight "bottle filters" from such companies as "Bota of Boulder," "H2O On Demand," and the "Katadyn Exstream" are light at about five to eight ounces, and inexpensive at around to . Some list incredibly high microorganism and contaminant removal, including 99.99% removal of giardia and cryptosporidium. Of course, these filters aren't free flowing. You have to suck to get the water through.

Pump filters include well-known brands like "Timberline," "Katadyn," "First Need," and "MSR/Sweetwater." They can be as light and inexpensive as the Timberline Eagle at 5.6 ounces and . This filter is one of the fastest and works well in water that is not heavy in particulate. The Katadyn Hiker is not the lightest at 11 ounces, but is a favorite because it is so user-friendly. It retails for . The Katadyn Mini Ceramic Microfilter is among the lightest at 8 ounces and is known for its quality. The price is .

Backpackers like gravity-fed filters because of their obvious advantage of getting filtered water without the pumping. The Katadyn Base Camp weighs 12.1 ounces and has a suggested retail price of .

5. Ultraviolet light devices

Ultraviolet light is becoming popular because it's effective in quickly killing all microorganisms. The ultraviolet light destroys their DNA which prevents them from reproducing. Early models were expensive and didn't work with a wide variety of water containers, but that's all changing. The "SteriPEN Adventurer" weighs 3.6 ounces and ships with two CR123 batteries. Rechargeable batteries are also available. Nickel metal hydride batteries are recommended for cold weather use. This style or lithium disposable batteries will give you about 200 treatments. The Adventurer can purify a quart of water in 48 seconds. The cost is 9.95.

The "mUV water purifier," or "AquaBobber," from Meridian Design, Inc. weighs 2.4 ounces and costs .99. It operates with an internal battery that can be recharged by attaching its magnetically connectable leads to almost any external battery including AAA, AA, C, and D sizes. The device floats and can be inserted into almost any container, including a standard water bottle opening. A quart of water can be treated in 90 seconds. You can perform 20 treatments per charge.

Agitate the water gently, until the light tells you it's done. UV purifiers don't work in murky water, so if that's the only water you have, you'll have to pre-filter it until it's not cloudy. You also need to make sure you don't drop a UV device.

6. Sodium hypochlorite (Household bleach)

A large number of agencies, including the Red Cross, tell you that ordinary bleach, such as Clorox or Purex can treat water in emergencies. The Clorox website lists these instructions:

"Disinfection of Drinking Water (Potable)

When boiling of water for 1 minute is not practical, water can be made potable by using this product. Prior to addition of this product, remove all suspended material by filtration or by allowing it to settle to the bottom. Decant the clarified contaminated water to a clean container and add 8 drops of this product to 1 gallon of water (2 drops to 1 quart). Allow the treated water to stand for 30 minutes. Properly treated water should have a slight chlorine odor. If not, repeat dosage and allow the water to stand an additional 15 minutes. The treated water can then be made palatable by pouring it between clean containers several times. For cloudy water, use 16 drops of this product per gallon of water (4 drops to one quart). If no chlorine odor is apparent after 30 minutes, repeat dosage and wait an additional 15 minutes."

The dosage listed is for treated city water, so lake and stream water will likely need the higher amounts. Use only liquid bleach that contains 5.25% to 6% sodium hypochlorite and doesn't have any perfumes, dyes, or other additives. Be sure to read the label. Treating with bleach should be thought of as an emergency method. Although countless websites list this method of treatment, they do not show data for effectiveness against giardia, cryptosporidium, and other pathogens. And these sources do not list the effects of long-term use on the body.

There is an abundance of information about water treatment from the Environmental Protection Agency and the Centers for Disease Control.

Now you're equipped with a wide variety of water treatment options. Your region and style of camping will tell you what water treatment is right for you. Hike light. Have fun.

Ultralight Backpacking Water Treatment

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Justrite 7220120 - Galvanized Steel, AccuFlow Type II Red Safety Can - 5/8" Flexible Spout, Large ID Zone, Meets OSHA & NFPA For Handling Hazardous liquids 2 Gallon (7.5L)

!±8± Justrite 7220120 - Galvanized Steel, AccuFlow Type II Red Safety Can - 5/8" Flexible Spout, Large ID Zone, Meets OSHA & NFPA For Handling Hazardous liquids 2 Gallon (7.5L)

Rate : | Price : $63.64 | Post Date : Oct 13, 2011 22:28:06
Usually ships in 24 hours

Durable galvanized steel Type II AccuFlow safety cans offer the most convenient, safest way to store and dispense flammable liquids. Built to meet OSHA and NFPA 30, they have been independently fire tested and approved by FM, and UL. Flexible metal hose is 9" x 5/8” (229 x 16) long to reach small openings. U.S.A. Tank Size 1 Gallon (4L), Dimensions O.D. x H (in.): 9½" x 10½" (241 x 267)

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

M4 A1 Airsoft Electric Rifle Metal Gear Box AEG

!±8±M4 A1 Airsoft Electric Rifle Metal Gear Box AEG

Brand : AirSoft
Rate :
Price : $200.00
Post Date : Sep 28, 2011 20:10:09
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

This is a Tokyo Marui Replica Fully Automatic M16 A4 M4 Airsoft Rifle Shoots powerfully at 330 fps. It shoot through Aluminum Can two sides. Extreme powerful effective range 50M. Its ready to get on Competition ! Full Auto, Semi auto & safe mode. Real working Charging Rod reproduce real mechanism as real gun. Pulling Charging Rod will eject Bullet cover, exposing the Hop up adjusting gear. Rifle is brand new in the box. U.S. Army, Navy, Seal Commando, Counter Strike, Battlefield 2 GUN This is the next best gun to Tokyo Marui Brand which cost you at least 0 a gun. With a fraction of price, you get almost the same quality automatic electric gun with the state of the art adjustable Hop Up technology with helps shoot more accurate and harder. It comes in a Ready tp Play package, No assembly required. Easy open body allows easy upgrade. Most of the parts compatible with Tokyo Marui, and they are replaceable if it worn out. It is also upgradable to even higher power, please refer to your local airsoft store for upgrade job.

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

ABCs of Touring - up to the edge of Alaska

!±8± ABCs of Touring - up to the edge of Alaska

In the spring of 2002, while in conversation with some friends of my lap was covered by ABC of Touring. The ABCs of Touring is a competition organized by HOG, the Harley Owners Group, where indicated, photos of your bike before a state or county sign a HOG rally banners or other events, all with a recent issue of HOG Tales in sponsored photographic evidence.

We talked about how nice it would enter the top ten finalists, because we do not think weactually takes place the first 3 points, one of the boys had the driver, who has scored 166 points a few years earlier, during the tour when it came to Route 66 through town, and that seemed unattainable a goal came at that time.

Someone else said that is not often that someone who had a lot of points, Hog Tales, and after checking the list for the past year we have seen that the Vice-list has been trying to reach, so it went.

My friends and I had several trips planned throughout this yearand we thought we'd begin to see just how many points we could collect. A trip led to another and before I knew it was up from 47 states and made the 3 rd place, and my friend Warren at 7.

It was published after the list of winners in 2003, I thought about how much fun I had to see the country and all the places I've never been that I decided to make a plan for the year 2004 and see many new places, I could go . And a little 'competition, Idecided to see if I can fit a total of 166 points could be that at the time I thought it was one of the best ever in what was later revealed that two people are turned on in 1990 in 172

I realized that the big difference is between a set of points and some really impressive how the 3-point total than the state had HOG rallies. So, if the January issue of Hog Tales came I sat down and began to plan everything around, even if those events were. Microsoft MapPointThe software and the list of events of Hog Tales and then the vote rally with the details of the area HOG members on the website, I came with what looked like a workable plan. With Rally 4, 5 and 6 all in the same weekend, I figured it would be a challenge, but it meant there would be a few weekends driving difficult. From Memorial Day weekend in Sturgis in August, there were more than 25 meetings and a lot of miles to go.

My first trip was to Louisiana State HOG RallyApril 1, where I spend my first film, what a clever way to April Fools Day The last photo I took in University City, Missouri, close to home, on December 11, when I realized that through all travel through most of North America did not want to stop and get that underground city. Fitting I think, as they call it in the St. Louis area.

Eight and a half months, 66 thousand miles, rear tire 6, 7 cases of oil, and lots of beautiful scenery andQuest finished. There have been some mistakes along the way, I've never been that danged county to find X, and I did not rally very well planned and I have not done that before 166, but note that always made my congratulations for the greatest number of points for a grand finale.

I started racing in 1971, and although I have a Harley at the time, as some of my friends, I enjoyed the wind. Our trips for a few hundred kilometers can not be compared with theThousands of Harley Dyna I on ABC for the 2002 and 2003 Ultra Classic that has seen most of North America this year have driven ABC.

The longest journey and adventure this year has driven the Alaskan Highway. I left my home with multiple pockets and a tire attached to the package edge over the top of my tour. When I came home almost 8000 miles later the tire was gone, but I bought two extra cans of gasoline.

The plan was in St. Louis on September 17 and leaving at the head of the OregonRally of State before my trip to Alaska. If you ever take the U.S. 20 in Oregon, is a beautiful drive, but make sure you keep your tank round, you never know when you're in a small town on horseback and said units that have sold gas yesterday. Many thanks for the cowboy with a gas can in more. I short the rally before it ended up in Bend, but I had to cross several mountain passes, I decided that night for fear of ice on the roads throughthe first cold snap. Everything went the next day and I stopped in part in British Columbia, where he and I talked with a friend who taught me how to watch for bears, moose and caribou, as I drove the Alaska highway.

The next evening, just before I did it for the way I began to see the snow and I heard on the radio before they were 18 inches in the area, just 48 hours. I talked to a trucker at a refueling stop, when I arrived on the main road and told me that the roads were freehowever, that the stations do not stay open late. It was just a little 'wrong with the gas, sometimes too close for the season. This was the second time I had to for gas on this trip please be mentioned in the next town, I bought these two gas cans I.

You also better highway, but luckily it did not rain while I was there because his idea of ​​work is on the way, just pull up all the pavement and start from scratch, the soft earth I Streetwere impassable in the rain. But even with all the delays in the construction of gas and asking I finally get to Alaska, but since I now have a day and a half late, what I saw in Alaska on this trip was to sign the state when I came on board. It was pitch dark and the temps dropped and was throwing up a mist, so that I can take my picture and go south to the line in case Mother Nature has definitely changed my mind and evil.

My next part of the fun was when IThe stretch of 60 miles of highway in the north-west of the country, around an hour of daylight left to reach the top, so I thought I could at least get to see the light. But the cards are what really took place in the floor of gravel on the land line instead of gravel and narrow, just 15 miles down the road. So now I am responsible for the observations of the animals and try to ensure that this road is less than stellar. I finally got all the talks of many things to see Moose in the areaand fortunately he wanted to run only on the side of the road and not in him. And I also got to see a bear on the side, but not shown with the other to his mother. Needless to say that the territory was not looking at the light and the journey now on, aggravated road driving fun in the dark, but at least the animals stayed away due to travel to the main road. In all the thousands of miles I do not think I've ever been so happy to see concrete.

The rest of theTravel, now with the exception of scattered construction issues rather quiet, but I found out that Kansas is not alone when it comes to see nothing more. Alberta and Saskatchewan bore a strange resemblance to Dorothy and Toto were at home.

If you ever want to see the opportunity to build a variety of creatures on a journey, then I would recommend riding the Alaska Highway, I was chased by a coyote was one, three bears, a moose, caribou 4 , deer more than I could count, and Bauer Brown himselflet his goats and pigs wander, to see me on the roadside, and not for all those beautiful eyes that glow in the dark I could not decide what they heard accounts. And even though I was disappointed not to see the eagles, as I was crossing the Yukon was on the way to Alaska, I was just before I crossed back over the States in International Falls, Minnesota rewarded with spectacular views, has started a pretty eagles large bald and as close to a treeI went and turned to see what startled him. I think it was need of a home.

I want all of the organizers of the State Chapter HOG Rally and workers who helped me when I need help with photos of the banners gathering and there were many who held a flag in the dark, or brought a banner to replace a missing one to thank.

I want to thank me for my sweetheart, Mary for their support at the end of this little exercise of mine.

And last butBut most of all, I'd like the troops stationed throughout the world, thanks to freedom for me and all my friends who drive our Harley to the far corners of the country to give love to drive just for fun.

ABCs of Touring - up to the edge of Alaska

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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What exactly is Nitro Fuel?

!±8± What exactly is Nitro Fuel?

Good question! Let's see exactly what nitro fuel. Methanol, nitromethane and oil - Nitro fuel is made up of three things. There are also some additions ... as inhibitors of corrosion or scouring agents that are added by some manufacturers of fuel. Methanol provides the main source of energy for the radio controlled motor boats. The nitromethane is there to provide oxygen to improve the engine, the combustion engine and gives more power to deliver. Oil is necessary to lubricateMotor and help keep it running cool. Methanol is the most abundant component in the fuel, nitro fuel but the rating is the percentage of nitro methane, which is used in it.

As you know, nitro fuel is best for your engine nitro RC boat?

My suggestion is that you start with the type of fuel recommended by the manufacturer rc boat. This is probably important for the warranty! You should also consider the recommended settings for the engineYour boat rc. At the moment, if you have some experience and learn to influence the various blends your nitro engine power, it will be useful, you start to experiment with different blends. Finally, there is the nitro / oil mix is ​​best for the way you run with remote control boat.

If you've had in nitro fuel of Serbia for several months?

Perhaps ...! Nitro fuel is definitely useless when exposed to too manyMoisture and sunlight. For this reason, how to save fuel nitro is more important than how much time you saved.

Knowing that if you have your nitro fuel kept, it is probably safe, no matter how long you've stored. The best practice if you have your nitro fuel should not be used for several months, is sealed in its original box and leave in a cool, dark, dry place. Once you open the container, creating a situation whereAnd 'likely to get moisture in your fuel.

It 'also best not to nitro fuel supply in your area have the bottle, if you do not intend to dispose of for use within a few days. Not back to the original tank for long term storage ... It will only ruin the entire game!

You should be aware of the fact that the methanol in nitro fuel attracts moisture. Water in fuel is very likely to give a glow engine. So you can notYour cans of nitro fuel is no longer open, because it makes you re-fuel remote controlled boat. Pay attention and

Limit your exposure to fuel 'in the air, especially if you live in a humid environment.

Keep container tightly closed and dry fuel in one place.

Another thing you should keep in mind is that the nitro nitromethane fuel breaks with prolonged exposure to the sun. Once the fuel is removed, the nitromethane is not as it should do.Keep this in mind when you are on a lake, and keep your nitro fuel out of direct sunlight. If you happen to use a transparent container for refueling, be sure to cover or hide under a picnic table when not in use. (My suggestion is to use a container that is not obvious!). When the day is done, save your nitro fuel containers tightly closed in the dark and out of direct sunlight.

If the fuel properly handle and store it in the right way, you will definitelyget much more benefit from it!

What exactly is Nitro Fuel?

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Monday, August 1, 2011

How to properly store fuel for emergency generator

!±8± How to properly store fuel for emergency generator

It goes without saying that an emergency generator without fuel is like a light bulb without electricity. If the bulb does not have the power does not produce any light. If the generator has no fuel, produce no electricity. I know this is elementary. However, there is a serious problem when a person is in front of an ice storm or power outage, and are almost out of gas. The situation becomes critical when there is no access to service stations. Nowwhat? This is exactly what people do in real time.

During the ice storm of the eastern part of the nation in 2009 covered a number of people with emergency generators running out of petrol. The main reason, why? They did not know the rule for the storage of fuel.

To be clear, this is a general rule, guideline or rule that we use to cover most scenarios. The emergency generator is a standard five-liter capacity. Based on these numbers, we do some 'math, which I hateway. The average consumption for a generator of moves at 0.67 liters per hour. This means that a 5-liter tank with a little 'around will be more than five hours of electricity.

The question is: "How many hours do you work the program, your first need to run emergency power to fill?" To answer this question factor variables such as bad weather, went into closed gas stations, refueling stations, roads, building vehicles because of the weather, etc.etc. There is no way we can say how long last of these variables, or how long it will affect your community. What we can do is look back and find a general rule.

That said, we find that a store is 32 liters of gas, in addition to 5 liters already in your emergency generator, a great rule of thumb to follow. This provides a total area of ​​approximately 56 hours of power. Incidents like the 2009 ice storm,Hurricane Katrina taught the blackout in Florida and New York are a valuable lesson: Be prepared! Assuming that only absolutely necessary to run the equipment and devices that are to save fuel consumption you can use a little 'better.

The next problem is to be treated, to use the type of container of gasoline. There are all types of gas canisters on the market. Inexpensive. Those in the medium term and expensive. They come in different types of materials such as metal, plastic andPolyethylene. The problem here is threefold: (1) The size of the gas can, and remember that we are talking more than 32 gallons. (2) E 'ability to waive certain gasoline. You do not need the usual type of gas can you have with the nozzle or injected has known issues to fight. (3) and 'safe to store gasoline in any element, hot or cold?

Among these problems are taken into account, there are a number of brands that can be customized to your needs. Some examples, Justrite, are Flo N Go 'DuraMax and Eagle, and there are a few others. These vendors provide reliable products that are perfect for your emergency generator very well. The smart thing to store fuel for emergencies is this: keep recycling the gas, unless you have failures. This means that the gas in storage for other equipment for gardening and then fills the tank with fresh gas.

How to properly store fuel for emergency generator

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Justrite 7225120 AccuFlow 2.5 Gallon, 11.75" OD x 12" H Galvanized Steel Type II Yellow Safety Can With 5/8" Flexible Spout

!±8± Justrite 7225120 AccuFlow 2.5 Gallon, 11.75" OD x 12" H Galvanized Steel Type II Yellow Safety Can With 5/8" Flexible Spout

Brand : Justrite | Rate : | Price : $64.58
Post Date : Jul 27, 2011 19:36:40 | Usually ships in 24 hours

Durable galvanized steel Type II AccuFlow safety cans offer the most convenient, safest way to store and dispense flammable liquids. Built to meet OSHA and NFPA 30, they have been independently fire tested and approved by FM, and UL. Flexible metal hose is 9" x 5/8” (229 x 16) long to reach small openings. U.S.A. Tank Size 1 Gallon (4L).

  • Large ID zone permits user labeling of contents to avoid misuse
  • Stainless steel flame arrester for exceptional corrosion protection - reliably dissipates heat to prevent flashback ignition; Long 3-1/2" (88mm) length arrester allows safe, secure placement of gas nozzle
  • Gasoline, Gas-Oily Mixture, Kerosine, Diesel
  • Ergonomic offset fill port with comfort lift lever makes filling easier than ever Easy-to-use Safe-Squeeze trigger for accurate control of liquid flow
  • Self-closing lid controls vapors and spills

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